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Bad news, but…


The information is very fresh. It fell a bit like thunder, but I still have confidence that it will all work out…. Moonshine Dragons in theory is not in danger completely. Perhaps the date will be changed to early May 2024. Unfortunately this is not up to me or even the owner of the venue. They applied for a grant for the refurbishment and in theory got it. However, they don’t quite know when they will get it and when the renovation of the hall will start. I am in constant contact with the building management, but at the moment nobody knows anything.

Dates that are being circulated for the party transfer:

3-5 May 2024
10-12 May 2024

Everything will turn out (so the building management predicts) by the end of March. Then it may turn out that the party will take place on the planned date, i.e. at the end of May
