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Prizes on MD2022

There is new news… there will be prizes! A great joy, a surprise. I surprised myself that I hadn’t thought of it. I know, sounds quite puzzling, but it’s worth waiting to see what happens πŸ™‚

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The poster that will not be part 2

Today we are showing the second sketch that participated in the beauty contest for the official poster of Moonshine Dragons 2022.
Who knows, maybe I will manage to persuade the author to finish these designs πŸ™‚

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The poster that will not be part 1

The theme of the Moonshine Dragons 2022 party is psychedelic experiences. Today, a little throwback of a poster sketch, which will not be an official poster.

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Moonshine Dragons 2021 web page started!

It’s still almost a year to the Moonshine Dragons party 2021 but we fire up the webpage today.

At this moment we have the generic information. The news subpage is the place where you should look for news and updates. More detailed information will be also added to the whole MD website from now on.

There will be a lot of things to announce so stay tuned and visit us regularly. The countdown started (on the start page πŸ˜‰ ) and we hope to see you all in Opole / Poland in 2021.

More news soon.