Can you believe it? Thursday morning. Here we go. Thursday’s piece of (poster) cake.

Can you believe it? Thursday morning. Here we go. Thursday’s piece of (poster) cake.
Wednesdayaaaa… It’s almost like shouting AMIGAAAAAAAAAAAA… But it’s Wednesday after all, so the Wednesday part of the poster flies.
This week, Tuesday fell just after Monday. So I have no choice. Here comes the Tuesday part of the poster.
Yes, yes! It’s Monday… I barely made it 🙂
But there’s another part of the poster…
Today we are showing the second sketch that participated in the beauty contest for the official poster of Moonshine Dragons 2022.
Who knows, maybe I will manage to persuade the author to finish these designs 🙂
The theme of the Moonshine Dragons 2022 party is psychedelic experiences. Today, a little throwback of a poster sketch, which will not be an official poster.