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Latest news 🙂 The party will take place in the same place as last time.

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One day to…

Can you believe it? Thursday morning. Here we go. Thursday’s piece of (poster) cake.

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Wednesdayaaaa… It’s almost like shouting AMIGAAAAAAAAAAAA… But it’s Wednesday after all, so the Wednesday part of the poster flies.

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Next part of…

This week, Tuesday fell just after Monday. So I have no choice. Here comes the Tuesday part of the poster.

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Next poster part

Yes, yes! It’s Monday… I barely made it 🙂

But there’s another part of the poster…

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Democompo prizes

On the subject of prizes. Something makes me think that in the DEMO category there will be a C64 GOLD replica again…. I am wondering how this happened? I was sure that Skalmar sent me a loaf of bread from Polish golden grain. Grain which grows in this land flowing with milk and honey. Grain harvested with hardship and sweat, by a farmer from the Vistula river. I unwrap the linen cover and what? Well, damn it!!!! A replica like a living thing!!! Nobody expects the spanish inquisition…I think I need to go to some therapy. Oooo… my eyelid is already trembling…

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The poster that will not be part 2

Today we are showing the second sketch that participated in the beauty contest for the official poster of Moonshine Dragons 2022.
Who knows, maybe I will manage to persuade the author to finish these designs 🙂

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The poster that will not be part 1

The theme of the Moonshine Dragons 2022 party is psychedelic experiences. Today, a little throwback of a poster sketch, which will not be an official poster.

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Moonshine Dragons cancelled

Dragonesses and Dragonsit’s become a Lotto merry-go-round covid-19 routine à la polonaise. We’re in lockdown. The museums are closed once again until April the 9th.With a big sorrow I’m forced to cancel the Moonshine Party #2. Of all the factors being realistic and responsible leads the way followed by the required time frame.It’s just not going to work. Bare in mind the party needs space, which is not an issue per se but Lotto keeps playing its numbers without any foreseeable quantity. We do respect your views and appreciate your interest, many of you would join the party from abroad, we can’t let any harm to happen to any of you, hence my decision to switch MD2021 to MD2022.As the currents plans were concerned the grand opening of the Museum on April the 1st was meant to overshine the party cancellation. However it is what it is. But there is one bright side of things. You know me well, I always look for and find one, lol. The last weekend of May, when or MD2021 was meant to be held, we’ll organize the Museum on-line tour, even when it’s locked down. You’ll watch on-line demos, you’ll participate in some sort of house-welcoming party. Should all go as planned we’ll organize a big live on-line party for up to 150 people (But it WILL NOT be Moonshine Dragons. It will simply be live from the museum.), my Google Suite Meets (or whatever it’s called) is able to connect so many of you. More details to come as I need to run some live party trials. So, martini vodka? Stirred or shaken?

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Moonshine Dragons party 2021

The official information from today. The owner of the place, where the party was held in 2019, that is the „Działkowiec” has made it clear, that he will accept us for the next edition of the party. The condition – the situation in the country will be normalized and the regulations for entertainment events will change. There is nothing more to add here. If by May the situation will allows it – Moonshine Dragons 2021 will take place as planned. If the legal state does not allow it, the party will be postponed to next year. We will not forcefully do the party on another date.

Oficjalna informacja z dzisiaj. Właściciel miejsca gdzie odbyło się party w 2019 roku, czyli Działkowiec wyraził się jasno, że przyjmie nas na kolejną edycję party. Warunek – sytuacja w kraju ulegnie unormowaniu i zmienią się przepisy dotyczące imprez rozrywkowych. Nie ma tutaj nic więcej do dodania. Jeśli do maja sytuacja pozwoli – Moonshine Dragons 2021 odbędzie się zgodnie z planem. Jeśli stan prawny nie pozwoli na to, party zostanie przeniesione na przyszły rok. Nie będziemy na siłę robić party w innym terminie.